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What Happens If You Look At The Solar Eclipse Without Special Glasses

Don't Look at the Eclipse with Your Camera, Phone, or Binoculars!

Protect Your Eyes

Follow These Guidelines for Safe Eclipse Viewing

As the much-anticipated solar eclipse approaches, it's crucial to take precautions to protect your eyesight. NASA strongly advises against looking at the eclipse through any optical device, including camera lenses, phones, binoculars, or telescopes, even when wearing eclipse glasses.

The solar rays can penetrate the lens of these devices and burn the sensitive retina of your eyes, causing permanent damage. Even a brief glimpse can lead to eclipse blindness or solar retinopathy, a condition that can lead to vision loss.

To safely view the eclipse, it's essential to wear certified solar eclipse glasses specifically designed to block the sun's harmful rays. These glasses must meet the ISO 12312-2 international standard and have a "CE" mark on the frame. Do not use homemade filters or old solar eclipse glasses as they may not provide adequate protection.

Remember, protecting your eyesight during the solar eclipse is paramount. Follow these guidelines and enjoy the celestial spectacle safely without risking your vision.
